Maryland Historical Trust Project Review and Compliance Log


Welcome to the Maryland Historical Trust's (MHT) online search of its Project Review and Compliance Log database. As Maryland's State Historic Preservation Office, MHT reviews and comments on projects receiving funds, permits, and licenses from federal and/or state agencies for their effects on historic and archeological resources. Agencies must consult with MHT to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Maryland Historical Trust Act of 1985. Reviewing over 6,000 submittals each year for a wide range of small to complex projects throughout the state, MHT tracks individual submittal requests and response actions in the Log.

Using the Online Search

Agencies, applicants, consultants and interested others may query the Log to find out the status of a given submittal, generate a list of projects meeting specified criteria, or view a PDF copy of MHT's reponse, if available. Users may search by project name or address, project number, agency, county, date submitted or combination of those criteria. Search results inform the user if the submittal is completed or in progress and provide further details on an individual review. Users may also generate a list of submittals for a given county, agency, or specified date range.

Click "Search Database" to get started by entering your search criteria on the next page, or the link below for additional details about the process.

Details about the Log and Online Search...

For More Information

For questions about the program, please contact Beth Cole, Administrator of Review and Compliance, at