About the Log and Online Search
The Project Review and Compliance Log tracks individual submittals to MHT requesting review of a project for
effects on cultural resources. MHT only reviews projects that involve or anticipate involving funds,
permits or licenses from a federal or state agency. The online search of the Log enables program customers
and interested others to obtain basic information on the status and details of project submittals.
The Log records coordination with the MHT on a wide range of projects requiring review under federal and
state historic preservation law. Projects may encompass improvements to an individual property such as
housing rehabilitation, installation of energy efficiency activities, bulkheads and shoreline
improvements. Or submittals may address a large new development, transportation corridors, utility
work, school and park improvements, and actions at defense installations.
MHT receives requests for review from diverse sources including direct requests from the involved federal
or state agency, applicants for agency funds/permits/licenses (applicants may include local governments,
business entities, non-profit organizations, and individuals) and consultants acting on behalf of an
applicant or agency. The format and mode of requests for review also vary widely and may include: direct
correspondence, MHT's Project Review Form, interagency coordination processes, and electronic notifications
through an agency's online review process (such as the FCC’s E-106 or the Maryland State Clearinghouse
EMIRC system). Requests for review come to MHT at various stages in the project planning and
funding cycles, including pre-application. MHT encourages early consultation on proposed actions that may
be subject to review.
Most projects include a single submittal and resulting response comprising a sole entry in the Log. Some
projects entail multiple funding and permitting actions from more than one federal/state agency and result
in several submittals to MHT and numerous Log entries for a given project. Complex projects, such
as a major transportation improvement or multi phased development, often involve many submittals to MHT
spanning months, if not years, of project planning. These actions also result in numerous
Log entries to track the various stages of MHT review on the overall project itself. Thus, the
Log documents the status of a given submittal to the MHT, which may represent the complete historic
preservation consultation for a project or may comprise ongoing consultation for an undertaking.
Online users may search for a single project or for a list of submittals that match specified parameters,
such as an agency, county, or submittal date range. The online search queries selected fields from the
database and generates a summary, which will either be a link to a single entry or a list of entries
that meet the search criteria. To facilitate efficient and meaningful queries, the online search only
examines entries from the active Log which contains records covering the last five calendar years.
The Search Results page presents a listing of the log entries meeting the user-specified search
criteria. The results table identifies the log number MHT assigned to the submittal, project name,
review status (either completed or in progress), date received and date completed by MHT, and a
Details tab for more information on the entry. The Details page presents the specifics for a given
entry including its project name or address, submittal source, date received and completed by MHT,
MHT log number, project number if applicable, federal or state agency, county, and
the MHT's review comment. If available, the Details page provides a link to a PDF copy of MHT's
review response for a given submittal. Please note that not all entries include a link to a PDF of
MHT's response, as MHT often directly provides its review comments through another agency's internal
process or online website.
Under federal and state historic preservation law, the MHT provides it comments on an undertaking's effects to
historic and archeological resources, and works with the involved agency, project sponsor, and other
consulting parties to find ways to avoid, reduce, or mitigate any adverse effects. The MHT's review
comments as documented in the Log fall into the following categories:
- No historic properties affected
- No effect on historic properties
- No adverse effect on historic properties
- Conditional no adverse effect on historic properties indicates there are conditions that must be
followed to ensure no adverse effect on historic properties (such as specified rehabilitation treatments,
protection or avoidance measures).
- Adverse effect on historic properties
- Potential effect/ongoing consultation/information request indicates
there is ongoing consultation on a project
which may comprise a request for further information, conditions assessment, cultural resources investigation or
ongoing consultation to resolve an adverse effect or implement mitigation measures.
- NA - not applicable means there is no need for MHT to comment – submittal may be a duplicate, submitted in
error, or there is no federal/state handle to trigger MHT review.
The primary purpose of the online search is for a user to obtain information regarding the status of a
submittal or range of submittals. The Search Results and Details pages provide confirmation of a given
project submittal to MHT, information on project details and review status, and record the resulting MHT
review comment. The Details page does not constitute or substitute for the official MHT/SHPO review
response for a given submittal, it documents the record of a submitted project in the database. The PDF of
MHT's review response, in cases where it is available, does represent a copy of the official MHT/SHPO comment
for a given entry.